

정부는 2010년 6월 23일 前 해병대1사단장 유낙준(53·해사33기)해병소장을 중장으로 진급, 제30대 해병대사령관에 임명하였다.

 신임 해병대사령관으로 임명된 유낙준 해병소장(53·해사 33기·중장 승진·사진)은 국방부와 합동참모본부, 연합사 등 정책부서와 해병대 6여단장, 1사단장 등 지휘관을 두루 역임하고 국방정책 및 전략·기획 분야에 정통한 군사전문가다.
긴장상태에 있는 서해상 및 최전방에 대한 완벽한 군사대비태세를 지휘했고, 해외 유학과 연합사 근무, 한·미 연합훈련 및 해외훈련 경험으로 연합작전수행능력도 갖추었다는 평이다.
또 탁월한 리더십으로 화합과 단결은 물론 부하들에게 분명한 목표와 비전을 제시하고 사기를 높이는 전형적인 덕장(德將)으로 평가받아 왔다.
유 장군은 1957년생 경기 남양주 출신으로 동북고를 거쳐 동국대석사, 위덕대 박사학위를 받았다.
보국훈장 천수장, 대통령 표창, 미 공로훈장 등을 수훈했으며 부인 도수경 씨와의 사이에 1남 1녀를 두고 있다. 종교는 천주교다.
한편 잠정 이·취임식은 6월 28일 오전 10시로 예정되어 있다.


The government 2010 June 23rd Marine Corps 1 division commander type pleasures with the lieutenant general is promoted, nominated the marine major general whom gives (53 * maritime affairs 33) in 30th large Commandant, Marine Corps. Was nominated with 30th large Commandant, Marine Corps type pleasure the marine major general (lieutenant general promotion * photograph) whom gives with Ministry of National Defense the Joint Staff headquarters, the Combined Forces Command etc. politic station and the Marine Corps 6 brigadier, all over to hold various posts in succession Commander 1 division commander etc., is a army specialist who is well versed in national defense policy and strategy * planning field. Commands the military readiness posture which is perfect about the western sea as a matter of and the front line where there is to a state of tension, overseas studying abroad and Combined Forces Command service, also the combined operation accomplishment ability equipped is simple with Korean-American combined training and overseas training experience. Also with the leadership which excels the harmony and unity presented an aim and the vision which are clear in of course loads and the height at the virtue market (virtue) which is typical evaluation received a fraud and came. Type general northeast will select with 1957 lifestyle condition South Seas week native and to pass by received the eastern country sitting face to face company and a virtue large doctorate. The Order of National Security Merit rainwater market, President honoring, American meritorious service medal etc. distinguished services around the lady being empty-handed to do 1 son and 1 daughter with in between the seeds is. The religion is Catholicism. Meantime the provision is prearranged * the induction ceremony June 28th at 10:00 a.m.


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