2011.04.22 18:40


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C2 (Command and Control)
지휘 및 통제
C2OP (Command and Control Operating Procedure)
지휘, 통제 및 운영절차
C2Protection (Command and Control Protection)
지휘 및 통제방호
C2S (Command and Control Systems)

지휘 및 통제체계


C2W (Command and Control Warfare)
C3 (Command, Control and Communication)
지휘, 통제 및 통신
C3-WRM (Combined Committee for Contribution to War Reserve Munition)
연합전쟁예비탄약 확보위원회
C3CM (Command, Control, Communication and Countermeasures)
지휘, 통제 및 통신대책
C3I (Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence)
지휘, 통제, 통신 및 정보
C3I2 (C3I Interoperability)
C3I체제 연동성
C3IC (Coalition, Coordinator, Communica- tion and Integration Center)
연합, 협조, 통신, 통합본부
C4I (Command, Control, Communication and Computer Intelligence)
지휘, 통제, 통신, 컴퓨터 및 정보
C4I2 (Command, Control, Communication and Computer, Information and Intelligence)
지휘, 통제, 통신, 컴퓨터, 첩보 및 정보
C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)

지휘통제,통신, 컴퓨터,정보 및 감시,정찰


C4S (Command, Control, Communication and Computer System)
지휘, 통제, 통신 및 컴퓨터체계
C7 (Cdr, 7th Fleet)
미 제7함대사령관