
Marine Corps helicopters support Tsunami relief effort in Japan

CH-46E helicopters with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 265, Marine Aircraft Group 36, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, III Marine Expeditionary Force, depart Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa bound for Naval Air Facility Atsugi on mainland Japan March 12 to provide assistance in the wake of the earthquakes and tsunami that struck Japan March 11. The helicopters will fly more than 1,000 miles over water while carrying rescue equipment and configured for the full spectrum of rescue operations to include: rescue ashore, patient transfer, casualty transfer, internal and external cargo transport and personnel transport, said Lt. Col. Damien M. Marsh, commanding officer of HMM-265. The squadron had half its assets departing from Futenma to support relief efforts within four hours of being tasked, explained Marsh. The rest of the squadron is scheduled to depart for mainland March 13, he said.

  • 운영자 2011.03.17 11:18

    우리 해병대 항공단이 하루라도 빨리 창설되어 저런 모습을 촬영할 수 있게 되기를 간절히 바라는 마음입니다.

    그런데 2017년이면....멀기만 하네요!

    그간 또 상황이 어찌될지도 모르고 아무튼 4월로 미루어진 개정안이 우선적으로 통과되는 것이 제1순위 입니다. 이재오의원도 해병대에 와서 공수훈련체험을하며 해병대독립의 필요성을 강조하고 현재로서 분위기는 좋은듯 합니다.  

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