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Participants in the 36th annual Marine Corps Marathon kick off the race through the nation's capital Oct. 30. Actor Drew Carey fired the starting shot and there were a total of 30,000 participants from all walks of life who ran the 26.2 mile race.



10/30/2011 By Cpl. Garry J. Welch

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Marine Corps hosts 36th annual Marine Corps Marathon 

WASHINGTON  — The District of Columbia provided the backdrop for the 36th annual Marine Corps Marathon on October 30. This year’s “People’s Marathon” hosted 30,000 runners and thousands of spectators who witnessed the historic 26.2 mile journey and the Marine Corps 10k.
The marathon began with two MV-22 Osprey flying from the Pentagon over the starting line, the roaring thunder of a 105mm Howitzer and a 21-gun rifle salute to mark the 10-year anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Prior reserve Marine Drew Carey, familiar comedian and host of  “The Price is Right,” fired the starting pistol to begin the race and then joined the runners on their voyage.
Army Reservist Chad Ware was first to complete the 26.2 miles, posting a time of 2:19:16. Ware, who has run 12 other marathons in his lifetime, posted a personal best time.
“I wasn’t planning on running a fall marathon because I was sick of chasing a time and having the problems I was having,” Ware said. “I wanted to run for place with the all Army Team. The time was there so I went for it in the end.”
Over 11,000 of the participants were first time marathoners. 1st Lt. Bill Prom, a basic field artillery officer with 5th Battalion, 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division, and a member of the Marine Corps Racing Team, completed his first Marathon on Sunday.
“I’m happy to finish,” Prom said, who completed the race at 2:29:46 and was the first Marine to cross the finish line. “I felt pretty lousy most of it.”
Prom said he had a large blister pop around mile 17 and ran the last nine miles with a bleeding foot.
The MCM course featured two time hurdles, which runners must complete for them to officially continue on the course. Participants needed to maintain a 14 minute-per-mile pace to bypass hurdle one, the National Mall Gauntlet at mile at 17.5. Runners then must cross the 14th Street Bridge, aptly named “Beat the Bridge” at mile 20 before the bridge is reopened to D.C. downtown traffic. A total of 20,895 runners officially Beat the Bridge and completed the marathon.
Many Marines and runners were running in honor of wounded or fallen service member.
Darrell General, a 37-time marathon runner and two-time MCM champion, ran for his brother, James R. General, who passed away in 2009. General posted a finishing time of 2:48:06.
Capt. Jason W. Dequenne, an active duty Marine who completed 236 miles from the Tun Tavern marker in Pennsylvania to the marathon’s finish, dedicated each mile of his journey to a fallen Marine or Sailor.
The spectators motivated the participants with constant cheers of encouragement and held signs honoring those who were running and those who were being remembered.
“[The MCM] is not about a bunch of professionals getting money, it’s about everyone,” Prom said. “I don’t know how many times I heard my mom screaming. She’s pretty loud.”
The Marine Corps Marathon was voted the best marathon for families. Runners from all walks of life participate annually in the largest marathon not to offer prize money. It is the fifth largest marathon in the nation and ninth largest in the world.
It is great for first time runners and all branches of services to run in, Ware said.

236th Marine Corps Marathon Top finishers:
Charles, “Chad”, Ware 2:19:16
Michael Wardian  2:23:46
Patrick Fernandez  2:26:37
Tezata Dengersa  2:45:28
Emily Shertzer  2:45:55
Getacher Shiferaw  2:47:39
Notable: Drew Carey posted a time of 4:37:11.

236th Marine Corps Marathon Top finishers:
Charles, “Chad”, Ware 2:19:16
Michael Wardian  2:23:46
Patrick Fernandez  2:26:37
Tezata Dengersa  2:45:28
Emily Shertzer  2:45:55
Getacher Shiferaw  2:47:39
Notable: Drew Carey posted a time of 4:37:11


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