미해병대원과 함께 낙하하는 전투용자전거입니다. 자전거에도 U.S MARINE 이 선명하게 찍혀있군요! Airborne bicycles lead the way Now this is what I call a bad ass bike. It is already in use by the Marines. ...
미군의 공수훈련(Basic airbone course)모습입니다. Ground week(지상훈련주간) 와 Tower week(타워훈련주간) 로 나누어 소개되고 있습니다.[자료출처 : www.infantry.army.mil/] During Ground Week, you begin an i...
USA - Marine Corps Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion USA - Marine Corps Boeing CH-46E Sea Knight USA - Marine Corps Sikorsky UH-34D Seahorse USA - Marine Corps Sikorsky VH-60N Blackhawk USA - Marine Corps Si...