미군의 공수훈련(Basic airbone course)모습입니다. Ground week(지상훈련주간) 와 Tower week(타워훈련주간) 로 나누어 소개되고 있습니다.[자료출처 : www.infantry.army.mil/]
During Ground Week, you begin an intensive program of instruction to build individual airborne skills, which will prepare you to make a parachute jump, and land safely. You will train on the mock door, the 34 foot (10 m) tower, and the lateral drift apparatus (LDA). To go forward to Tower Training Week, you must individually qualify on the 34 foot (10 m) tower, the LDA, and pass all PT requirements.
The Mock Door
The Lateral Drift Apparatus Parachute Landing Falls
The individual skills learned during Ground Week are refined during Tower Week and team effort or "mass exit" concept is added to the training. The apparati used this week are the 34-foot towers, the swing landing trainer (SLT), the mock door for mass exit training, the suspended harness, and the 250-foot (76 m) free tower. Tower Week completes your individual skill training and builds team effort skills. To go forward to Jump Training Week you must qualify on the SLT, master the mass exit procedures from the 34-foot (10 m) tower, and pass all PT requirements.
The 34 - Foot Tower
Swing Landing Trainer (SLT) Tower
The Suspended Harness
250 Foot Tower