
UTAPAO ROYAL THAI NAVY AIRFIELD, Kingdom of Thialand - Republic of Korea Marines with Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Republic of Korea Marine Corps, arrive Feb. 6, 2011, to Utapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield, Kingdom of Thailand, to provide support for an engineering civil affairs capability project during Exerc...ise Cobra Gold 2011. The airfield is located in Chanthaburi province. Humanitarian and civic assistance programs conducted by Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and U.S. armed forces demonstrate a commitment to support security and humanitarian interests of friends and regional partners. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Alejandro Pena/Released)




UTAPAO ROYAL THAI NAVY AIRFIELD, Kingdom of Thialand (Feb. 6, 2011) - Republic of Korea (ROK) Marines with Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, ROK Marine Corps, arrive here to provide support for an engineering civil affairs capability project during Exercise Cobra Gold 2011. Humanitarian and civic assistance programs conducted by Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and U.S. armed forces demonstrate a commitment to support security and humanitarian interests of friends and regional partners. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Alejandro Pena)



HAT YAO, Thailand – A Republic of Korea Marine utilizes fire-and-maneuver tactics to assault through the beach and into the tree line during a multination amphibious assault carried out by Korean, Thai and U.S. Marines here Feb. 9, 2011. The assault came as part of Exercise Cobra Gold 2011, a yearly training exercise hosted by Thailand designed to improve partner nation interoperability. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Pfc. Mark W. Stroud/Released)







HAT YAO, Kingdom of Thailand (Feb. 9, 2011) - Republic of Korea Marines assault the beachhead in an amphibious assault raid here Feb. 10, 2011, during Exercise Cobra Gold 2011. Cobra Gold 2011 is a regularly scheduled multinational training exercise designed to improve partner nation interoperability. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Pfc. Nathaniel Henry)


BAN CHAN KREM, Kingdom of Thailand – Royal Thai Rear Admiral Sompong Sansuwan and Brig. Gen. Mark A. Brilakis, commanding general, 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade Forward, III Marine Expeditionary Force, speak to Republic of Korea Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph Kim, 11th Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Regiment, 1st Division, while visiting the Marines conducting joint training here Feb. 12, 2011, during Exercise Cobra Gold 2011. Cobra Gold 2011 is a yearly multinational, joint training exercise designed to improve partner-nation interoperability. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Pfc. Mark W. Stroud/Released)


AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT VEHICLE CAMP, Kingdom of Thailand (Feb. 6, 2011) – Staff Sgt. Gennaro Mazzeo, 1st section leader with 2nd Amphibious Assault.Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, explains the amphibious assault vehicle’s capabilities during Exercise Cobra Gold 2011. Cobra Gold 2011 is a regularly scheduled multinational training exercise designed to improve partner nation interoperability. (U.S. Marine photo by Staff Sgt. Leo A. Salinas)


UTAPAO ROYAL THAI NAVY AIRFIELD, Kingdom of Thialand - Republic of Korea Marines with Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Republic of Korea Marine Corps, arrive Feb. 6, 2011, to Utapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield, Kingdom of Thailand, to provide support for an engineering civil affairs capability project during Exerc...ise Cobra Gold 2011. The airfield is located in Chanthaburi province. Humanitarian and civic assistance programs conducted by Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and U.S. armed forces demonstrate a commitment to support security and humanitarian interests of friends and regional partners. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Alejandro Pena/Released)

사진출처 :  미해병대 31원정대 MCB/JAPAN

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